Thursday, January 10, 2008

The adventure continues, plus luggage

The jist:

I was having so much fun here that my luggage could not resist and arrive via the bus/autorickshaw as a I was walking to breakfast. This is quite welcome though I enjoyed buying new clothes and shoes. I continued my neurology rotation today and saw new patients. There is a cardiovascular symposium on campus and tonight I plan to take in a professional Indian dance show.

The Medical:

Pictured above is an older woman who just arrived from Bangladesh. She complained of difficulty walking increasing over one year. When she walks her back is nearly in full extension and her neck is extended towards the sky. On exam her face is grimacing uncontrollably and when lying down she is writhing. Her back often spasms into full extension. We noted that her sternocleidomastoid muscles were hypertrophied likely secondary to prolonged spasm, something you can notice on her neck in the second picture. She is undergoing workup for insidious onset of axial/cervical/facial dystonia.

Nurses wear pure white saris with plastic hats.


Pappy said...

I have been instructed to see if I can communicate with you via the Worldwide Web. If you can hear me, just nod your head----- Also, are there 2 monkeys in the picture on snapfish? Also, how crowded is it really on the transatlantic flight?
Are there opportunities to get up and move around? Think I might be heading to the Mediterrean this summer. Do you know if there are any hot fishing spots in the MED?

ILY, Dad

jaykay said...

I was really glad to hear your voice this morning. I'd like to see a pic of you in the sari. The dystonia looks extremely painful and I hope the patient is getting at least some relief from that. I am OK. The rash is just a little left on my back. I did get the contract with the big agency I was worried about. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it done. I've had two more calls this week about start up agencies and plan to meet with one tomorrow. Sorry I was so tired this morning when we talked. But, occassional nights there just is no sleeping. Glad you changed accomdations, too. Love you and think of you all the time. mom

Rebecca Tapia said...

Hi Dad,
Miss you guys, sorry the cowboys lost. Well, on my flight I had a about three inches of clearance between my knees and the next seat. You can get up and walk around as much as you want. Your options are to call and request a seat in the emergency aisle or upgrade to business class. I don't know anything about Med fishing. Love you Dad!

Hi Mom,
Sorry, the photos of me are in American clothes so far but I will try to get some with my new Indian clothes. I am glad you are feeling better and things are getting busy. David has the phone number to my house if you can find an economical way to call India. Also, you can email me which I check more often than blog comments. Love you and miss you so much!! your favorite daughter